Tonegawa Collection

Coins of al-Andalus

Tonegawa Collection


الأختام الاندلسية القديمة

Additions to the lead seals of the Umayyad conquest of the Iberian Peninsula. إختام فتح الاندلر Villa 5, 2015.

Nuevos documentos sobre la Conquista Omeya de Hispania: Los precintos de plomo
“The new evidence for the Umayyad conquest of Hispania: the lead seals”

“The seals of the ʿUmayyadʾ conquest: their problematic and actualization”. خوتم فتح الاندلر abstrac & power point in English of Precintos de la Conquista: su problematica y actualización.

“La conquista omeya de Hispania: Consideraciones a la luz de nuevas evidencias materiales. ( power point) The Umayad conquest of Hispania: considerations in the light of the new material evidence.”

al-Samh b. Malik al-Jawlani ? – 100-102 / 718-720 – السمح بن مالك الخولاني ؟

in kufic, in both areas.

Possible atribution by the author to the governor, ( or close relative) of al-Andalus al-Samḥ ibn Mālik (100-102H / 718-720 DC)
Ø18 mm | 5mm.

Ref: Al-Qantara, vol. XXVII, n2, jul-dec 2006

in kufic, in both areas.

Possible atribution by the author to the governor, ( or close relative) of al-Andalus al-Samḥ ibn Mālik (100-102H / 718-720 DC)
Ø20 mm | 7mm.

Ref: Al-Qantara, vol. XXVII, n2, jul-dec 2006

in kufic, in both areas.

Possible atribution by the author to the governor, ( or close relative) of al-Andalus al-Samḥ ibn Mālik (100-102H / 718-720 DC)
Ø21 mm | 6mm.

Ref: Al-Qantara, vol. XXVII, n2, jul-dec 2006

in kufic, in both areas.

Possible atribution by the author to the governor, (or close relative) of al-Andalus al-Samḥ ibn Mālik (100-102H / 718-720 DC)
Ø24 mm | 10mm.

Ref: Al-Qantara, vol. XXVII, n2, jul-dec 2006

‘Anbasa b. Suhaym al-Kalbi – 103-107 / 721-725 – عنبسة بن سحيم الكلبي

in kufic, one side only.

A lead seal of Ambasa ibn Suhaym al-Kalbi governor of al-Andalus, datable between Safar 103H and Shabān 107H
29×28 mm | 5mm.

Ref: Un precinto a nombre de ‘Anbasa ibn Suhaym Al-Kalbi, gobernador de al-Andalus, 103-107/721-725. Al-Qantara, vol.XX, Madrid 1999.
Re-Published in Arabic in Alam al-Makhtutat wa al-Nawadir. Vol. 5, Riyad 1421H, pg 275-278.

‘Abd al-Rahman I b. Mu’awiyya – 138-172 / 755-788 – عبد الرحمن ١ بن معوية

in kufic, one side only.

A seal in the name of ‘Abd al-Rahman I, datable between 138H and 172H

From the furrows on the reverse this object seems to have been originaly encased on chain mail.
Ø29 mm | 6mm.

Ref: Un precinto a nombre de Abd al-Rahman I,Al-Qantara XVI, fasc. 1, Madrid (1995), pp. 143-146.
Re-Published in Arabic, Khatim bi-ism Abd al-Rahman al-Awal, Alam al-Makhtutat wa al-Nawadir, Vol. I, Riyad 1996, pg. 197-200.

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