Tonegawa Collection

Coins of al-Andalus

Tonegawa Collection

Coins of al-Andalus

Con nuestro agradecimiento a Tawfiq Ibrahim – Premio Excelente al Mérito Numismático 2023 – por habernos facilitado toda la información de la Colección Tonegawa para generar conocimiento y ampliar su difusión mediante la incorporación a la web de la Asociación Numismática Española (ANE).

The Tonegawa Collection, of Japanese ownership, was commenced in the late seventies. It has grown to its present state mainly by the acquisition of parts of older collections, the purchase of coins from dealers and public auctions. Its central and ongoing emphasis is, undoubtedly, the coins of al-Andalus, though some early North African coins have also been included. The collection attempts to cover, as well as has been possible, all the various periods that make up the numismatic history of al-Andalus. However, in some cases, a selective emphasis has had to be made, concentrating resources on finding and acquiring rare or singular coins. This is specially the case of Almoravid dinars, were, for example, the purchase of the more common and plentiful dinars has, usually, been avoided.

Special thanks should go to Fawzan Barrage, Sebastian Gaspariño and Tawfiq Ibrahim for their help and advice in the construction of the present site*.

This site has been made to facilitate as much as possible the spread of knowledge about the coinage of al-Andalus and is, as such and affirmatively so, an ANTI-COPYRIGHT publication -oratio publicata res libera est- .

Please use it well and for that intended purpose.


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Tawfiq Ibrahim
Author of texts and orgnization of the Andalustonegawa site.

Sebastian Gaspariño
Author of maps and computer work of the Andalustonegawa site.

Open Access Journal dedicated to the study of numismatics and epigraphy of al-Andalus, the Maghrib and Sicily.

Amuletos de al-Andalus
A usefull page about al-Andalus talismans.

Bibliografia de numismatica andalusi
Michael Powell’s wed-based bibliography of the numismatics of al-Andalus.

Islamic Coins Group
The reference site for islamic coins and most prestigious. It was also the editor of As-Sikka, which is available online.

ZENO.RU – Oriental Coins Database
The best database about islamic coins. Updated daily.

Coin Archives
“A repository of coins previously featured in major numismatic auctions”.

Anatolian Coins
Great Site about coins struck in Anatolia.

Eron Coins
Kamil Eron collection. Another great Site about Turks coins.

The successors of Chingiz Khan and their coins
Essential to know the different coinages of the different Mongol dynasties.

Mongolian coins
Another Site about Mongol coins. Very interesting.

Forvm Ancient Coins
The best forum about Islamic coins.

Нумизматическийфорум “ИСЛАМСЌАЯ НУМИЗМАТИКА”
A big forum on amulets and other artifacts, principally from the Moslem oriental world. Also with sections dedicated to coins of the different dynasties.

OMNI taller numismático
The spanish older forum on Islamic coins.

Imperio Numismático
Another great forum in spanish.

Forum de Numismáica Catalana
Catalan forum of numismatics. Have an interesting section of Islamic coins.

Forum de Numismática
The best forum of Islamic numismatics in Portuguese.

Asociation of Spanish Numismatics

Asociation of Spanish Numismatics

Biblioteca Viva de al-Andalus
The Living Library of al-Andalus.

Asian Traditional Archery Research Network

Turkish Archery

Grozer Traditional Recurve Bows Hungary

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